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Sensors & InstrumentsAIR, Space & GROUND

From electro-optical sensors and synthetic aperture radar to calibration services and thermal management systems, SDL delivers sensor solutions that enable informed decisions through data collection and analysis for science and military applications.

Sensors & Instruments

SDL has over 65 years of experience in remote and in-situ sensing. We design, build, and test UV through IR science instruments as well as space, airborne, and maritime ISR systems. These systems collect critical imagery and other data products for applications such as astronomy, atmospheric research, missile detection, track custody, space domain awareness, and tactical reconnaissance. Our expertise covers a wide range of sensor types and applications, including electro-optical, space environments, radar, lidar, pointing control, and environmental sampling.

Key Supporting Technologies

SDL’s comprehensive sensor and instrument capabilities include world-class calibration and thermal management solutions.

Close-up of a thermal strap.

Thermal Straps & Technologies

Inventor of the solderless flexible thermal strap, innovative thermal technology developer, and trusted thermal subsystems partner.

A thermal vacuum chamber.

Calibration & Characterization

Providing world-class instrument and component calibration and test for space and airborne systems.