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State-Of-The-Art Facilities


Our custom manufacturing facilities ensure high quality.

Gowned engineer soldering in a lab.
Electronics technician performing an inspection.
An aerial view SDL's Machine Shop.
Close-up of 3D printer in action.

Assembly & Integration

Our on-site assembly and integration facilities provide convenience and reduce time, cost, and risk.

Staff working on hardware in an assembly laboratory.
Staff working on hardware in a cleanroom.
An empty precision cleaning laboratory.

Test & Calibration

Our test and calibration facilities help verify and validate system performance.

A person standing inside an anechoic EMI chamber.
A close-up of a person performing chemical analysis.
An instrument ready to be loaded into a thermal vacuum chamber for testing.
An aircraft in front of SDL's aircraft hangar in Logan, Utah.
An engineer working on a computer in the datacenter laboratory.
A close-up of a tensile and compression testing machine.
An engineer with hardware components in the small satellite propulsion testing center.
A person standing in SDL's Small Satellite Verification and Validation Lab.
A software engineer working at a computer.
A technician working in the stray light testing center.
Two technicians standing next to a large thermal vacuum chamber.
A vibration test table inside a laboratory.

Mission Operations

SDL provides end-to-end integrated mission operations.

Mission operators transmit and receive data in a mission operations center.